Masto Family in West Sussex Featured in the News
Olivia is six and has recently been diagnosed with systemic mastocytosis after being diagnosed with cutaneous mastocytosis at the age of six months. This weekend her aunts and her grandmother are running the Virtual London Marathon to raise money for The UK Mastocytosis Support Group. Olivia’s mum, Charlotte Lane is a trustee of the charity and worked to get interest from the local media to raise awareness about mast cell diseases and in hopes of increasing the total raised for the group. They’ve just hit the £8,000 mark and are aiming for £10,000!
Olivia and Charlotte made the front page of the Sussex Express newspaper today, with the article giving a good description of what Olivia’s life it like with a mast cell disease and how the charity has helped.
Olivia, her mum and her grandmother were also interviewed for the BBC South East news programs and were featured on both the noon and 6:30 pm news. Links to come!